Johannes Giradoni

b. 1967 , Austria

Johannes Girar­doni is an Amer­i­can sculp­tor and instal­la­tion artist. Girardoni’s work is dri­ven by his inter­est in per­cep­tion, and how nat­ural and arti­fi­cial phe­nom­ena can be orga­nized to cre­ate respon­sive envi­ron­ments that shift our expe­ri­ence and under­stand­ing of site and space. His phys­i­cal sculp­tures and envi­ron­ments are often over­laid with dig­i­tal inter­faces that col­lect data and cre­ate arti­fi­cial sen­sory mech­a­nisms that merge with our own human per­cep­tion, a pri­mary exam­ple of which is con­vert­ing light to sound with algo­rith­mic processes the artist calls Spec­troSonic Refre­quenc­ing. Girardoni’s diverse works – in sculp­ture, pho­tog­ra­phy and instal­la­tions – range from small, organic objects to large-scale inter­ac­tive light instal­la­tions that are in play with their site, with archi­tec­ture, or with tech­nol­ogy. His projects reg­u­larly lead him to diverse col­lab­o­ra­tions with archi­tects, artists, sci­en­tists, and soft­ware engineers.


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